Monday, March 28, 2011

Something New

Well hey there, 

I am Rhiannon one important except probably to my father Roger Beynon who sort of is the man whom inspired me to start blogging. See my dad has always been a writer a phenomenal one at that so I sometimes try to fallow in his foot steps to become so intellectual like him :) Anywho since this is my first blog I am going to be boring and do the whole "about me" part. So here we go!!!! I am 20 years old. yes, 20 the worst age to be :/ luckily though i WILL be 21 on July 5th this year ( the countdown begun on July 5th last year) I attend Aveda Institute in Dallas to become a hair stylist perhaps even own my own salon here in a couple years! As of now I LOVE it :) Regular college just was not for me, I am no where near regular, I am very different. On top of that I hated paying for something I had no passion for, English was the only subject I could relate to by any means. So yeah, I am going to "hairschool" and no not dumb kids go to hairschool so get that crap out ya damn minds :) Lets see what else can I tell you about me....Im 5'3 on a good day :) Blondehmm average I guess :) oh yeah and there is this one other thing...My left foot, yeah its fake. Fake as in not real. Yes. Prosthetic foot. Lefty loosy  righty tighty. That's how I tell people to remember it because many tend to forget I am handicap! See, not to brag or anything I do really well walking around with a prosthetic, I could prob out do you on the elliptical :) I know everyone reading this is wondering how this happened. I was 14 years old (fish in high school) and I got in a car accident. I was in the back seat when we got ran off the road and a Watergate that was not chained back just came right into the car where I was and just clean cut right through my ankle. It was hell yes, rehab was a bitch. Learning to walk again, well that just flat out sucked! But you know what after all the blood, sweat and many tears I went through I am the strongest person I know now. This has made me who am I today and from what people tell me, I am pretty awesome :) "What does not kill us only makes us stronger." this is the most realest quote out there people!!! hair green eyes and

Well I hope you all find me some what interesting. Now I must snuggle up with my puppy Chloe :) Goodnight till next time!!! 


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